Saturday, November 19, 2016

SS: Al'i Aurora Aboard the TFS Uictoria Part 10

Commander Blaze met them on the launch pad where Al’i landed on New Thav, “Good work Lieutenant.”

“Commander, this is Jeci. We saved his group from those creatures,” Al’i said.

Jeci nervously shook Blaze’s hand, having never actually met a Tiur before.

“Those creatures were Panths, from the Dunimis System. It seems they have acquired space travel capabilities. We should have expected this sooner and not left them to their own devices. Jeci, I’ve talked with the Muneric of Thavma. We are going to launch a space jump station nearby from our ship. The Muneric will send some ships through this station with aid and take over this place.”

Jeci yelled out, “This is not there place!”

Blaze did not respond and gave an order to Al’i, “Lieutenant Aurora, please wrap up and board soon, we will take off within the hour.”

With that Blaze left the two, Jeci upset and Al’i nervous about what to do. Al’i turned to Jeci, “Jeci this is best for New Thav. It will help you rebuild and the Muneric will protect this place. He won’t risk losing a hub like this.”

Jeci was silent for a bit before saying, “They will take over! Anything could come through this space station thing!”

“Don’t worry, these stations are highly regulated. If anything that shouldn’t comes through, we will know and respond. I’ll talk to the Muneric about a complete take over, but there are so few of you. It’s best to join the rest of the Thavmains, at least communication wise, for your safety.”

With that, Al’i left Jeci, and took off back to the ship. After all that, being attacked, they still want to be alone?

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