Friday, November 4, 2016

SS: Al'i Aurora Aboard the TFS Uictoria Part 1

Commander Blaze stepped off his shuttle after arriving at the capitol building in Munera. He was about as fierce as a Tiur could be, being only a foot and a half tall and covered in fur. His auburn color looked darker in the Thamva light, giving a seemingly radiant glow to his white streak on the middle of his face that ended on his nose. A Thavmain shortly greeted him.

“Commander Blaze,” she said as she extended her hand, “Service Guard Al’i Aurora. Muneric Demosthenes will be with you shortly. He is just finishing up with the representatives. Right this way.”

As Al’i led Blaze to the Muneric office, Blaze noticed constant flickering between purple and blue along her skin, a trait belonging to the Thavmain race Boreaian when in fear, giving them the ability to freeze anything they touch. A Boreaian, he thought, she can’t be fearful of me can she?

“Am I that ferocious looking?” Blaze puffed out his chest, while Al’i gave a puzzled look in his direction. “Your skin, it’s changing,” Blaze added.

“Ah no,” Al’i said, “just precisely tuned emotionally. The Service Guard recruited me right out of the continentia for it. It makes sense. I mean, I do guard the Muneric. People think twice when they see it.” She opened a door and said, “The Muneric will be right in, can I get you anything in the meantime?”

“No thanks,” Blaze said as he entered. Interesting, learn something new every day, he thought before turning his mind at the task at hand.

Before long, Muneric Ethe Demosthenes entered. “Commander, good to see you again. Shall we get down to business?” Blaze nodded and sat as Demosthenes continued, “The representatives agree that a Tiur/Thavmain joint research facility would be highly beneficial. We’d like it to be here on Thavma. We already have space in the city of Minoci ready to go.”
The Tiur were prepared for this. Muneric Demosthenes was well known in trying to negotiate anything and everything. Truth be told, the Tiur did not care where the lab was. In fact, they had a team of researchers on his ship already.

Before Blaze could agree, Demosthenes continued, “We’d also like a Thavmain to join the Tiur fleet. We have a Favonian very capable.” 

Blaze was taken aback, but collected himself. His instinct was to decline, as it seemed like a ploy for to have agreement to move the facility location to Thavma. Last thing I need. An invisible Thamvain snooping around. Another thought crossed his mind and he surprised himself when he answered, “my choice.”

Never one to be unprepared, yet secretly surprised, the Muneric pushed further, “We just want to make sure you have the best Thavmain available to your needs. That could take time to decide, as you interview…”

Blaze stepped in, “Aurora, your service guard.”

“We are not sending a Thavma out to be a private stuck in the Tiur system. She’s hardly trained, no diplomatic skills, just graduated from a continentia last week! We have highly skilled people more useful that eventually can come back to help Thavma in what they’ve learned,” Demosthenes said before Blaze answered.

“She’ll be in my crew on the TFS Uictoria.”

Demosthenes did not hesitate and agreed immediately, half in disbelief that he got someone on Commander Blaze’s ship, “We will have her meet you on your ship.”

“Excellent,” Blaze said as he stood, “we will drop off our research team in Minoci before we leave.”

The two shook hands and Blaze exited. He eyed up Al’i once more as he passed her, while Demosthenes motioned her to enter. This should be interesting.

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