Tuesday, November 15, 2016

SS: Al'i Aurora Aboard the TFS Uictoria Part 9

The news of a Lieutenant Givens had reached Commander Blaze. I always hate losing men. The other news was still worse. Dr. Ishî identified the bodies of the other creatures as Panths.

Ever since the Tiur first tried to make contact with the Panths on Dunamis Minor, problem after problem occurred. Now, the worst fear of the Gia had happened. The Panths had been seen off their planet, and even worse, out of their system. They’re exploring, and taking what they want with them.

Commander Blaze clicked on his module to patch into Prime Liam, head of the Tiur. A hologram of Prime Liam appeared with a few of the Elected, other government representatives. The Prime spoke, “Commander Blaze, have you identified the source of the signal?”

The Commander saluted and replied, “It was a Thavmain distress signal that was bouncing off the asteroid field. It was coming from a hub called New Thav, which appears to have no connection to the Thavmain government. They didn’t even know it existed. Intel suggests a couple hundred survived.”

“Survived what, Commander?” Elected Mercedes asked.

The Commander paused, unsure of how to continue. “Well…it seems to have been from a Panth attack…”

Silence. Prime Liam face showed concern, as he clicked on his module. After a moment, Muneric Demosthenes appeared. Greetings were exchanged, and the Prime filled the Muneric in.

The Muneric asked the Commander, “Was the ship the lost Tiur vessel?”

“No. Similar technology, but definitely build from scratch. They have their own space travel capabilities now. We checked the logs, and nothing on any space jumps. Seems they haven’t figured out how they work.”

The Muneric said, “We have to take control of the hub. The Panths could come back Commander, do you have a space jump station on board you can deploy?”

“Yes, we do Muneric,” Blaze replied.

The Muneric continued, “We are going to send some aid, and a couple Thavmain fighter ships. These are our people, we will take over.”

Prime Liam nodded in agreement, “Deploy the station at once Commander and report back to Coesi. We will send a couple TFS to Dunamis Major and warn the Gia. They won’t be happy with this news.”

The Commander clicked on his module and left the conference. He ordered the station deployment for readiness and a shuttle to land him on New Thav.

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