Monday, November 7, 2016

SS: Al'i Aurora Aboard the TFS Uictoria Part 4

Al’i awoke in a daze. What time is it? She left her quarters and made her way to the elevator. She glanced at the directory. Third for the doctor. She left the elevator into an open common area. Finally some people. She walked up to a group of Tiur seated at a table together. “Excuse me, how to I get to Dr. Ishî from her?”

The table stood at once and said at once, “Lieutenant.” Al’i turned immediately and saluted. No one was behind her.

“Lieutenant Aurora?” one of the voices said behind her. Realizing her mistake, and her new title at the same time, she turned back to the group, blushing blue in her face, and said, “yes, I’m looking for Dr. Ishî.”

After giving her directions, one of the Tiur soldiers spoke up, “Lieutenant Aurora, we were actually just talking about you.”

“Oh?” Al’i felt like she was blushing again. Why is this so embarrassing?

“Um, yes. I’m Private Travis. I work in the armory. Engineers Taylor and Trey are almost done with a prototype for your orbs.”

ORBS! I only brought two orbs with me…what is wrong with me.

Travis continued, “They think they built a shoulder strap for you. It will contain your orb material inside it and on command push the material out at one point to create an orb.”

Trey added on, “We think. We don’t really know how your orbs work.”

“That makes two of us,” Al’I said as the group laughed. “Here, take this one.” Al’i reached in her pocket and gave Trey an orb. They thanked her, and Al’i left to find Dr. Ishî.

She ran into the doctor before getting to far. “Good to see you up and about,” Dr. Ishî said, “especially at this time for you.”

“What do you mean?” Al’i asked.

Dr. Ishî explained, “all Tiur fleet ships use the same time system, for coordination. We use the time that it is on Coesi, our government base. That makes it about 1 PM Tiur Fleet Time or TFT, and currently, I believe, about 12:30 AM on Munera. Oh, and it’s also a 24-hour system, shorter than the 25-hour Thavma system.”

“There’s a lot to get used to,” Al’i said.

Dr. Ishî laughed and said, “Yes. I suggest trying to power through today to get on the same time as everyone else. Also, head down to the armory sometime. We have some communication devices there that can display both Munera’s and our ship’s current time for you.”

“Thanks Dr. Ishî.” said Al’i. Al’i then left Dr. Ishî to head to the armory.

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