Monday, October 31, 2016

New Species: Tiur

System Overview

The Tiur (pronounced like tour) live in the Tiur system which consists of four planets: Neth, Ohma, Metus, and Shudra. Neth, Ohma, and Metus are essentially one large city like planet. Neth, considered the capitol planet, has two moons, which are also populated. The Tiur use Shudra for resources. A species from another planet system, called Gia, also live in abundance on Shudra, which we will discuss at another time.


Tiur are very small, furry (colors vary) creatures. Typically, they will range in height from 1 to 2 feet. They are a highly intelligent species and very technologically advanced. They were the first to travel through space to find other intelligent beings and are heavily involved in trade throughout the universe. Unlike most creatures, Tiur only go by a single name.

Tiur Technology

Much of the spacecraft technology comes from the Tiur, although it is usually modified by other species. Consist throughout the universe are the Tiur telecom system enabling planetary system to system communication. This system is a laser based system that allows communication between set locations. This allows ships to check into planet bases without issue, but issues can arise vice versa. The Tiur also manufactured time jump stations in certain locations. These stations create "holes" that allow ships to travel rapidly from station to station.


The Tiur built a space station that between the planets of Neth and Ohma, which acts as a government and military base. The space station, known as the Coesi, is about the size of a small moon. Each Tiur planet and moon has "Elected" which make laws for the Tiur across the universe. Each planet has this same system in place to govern itself on smaller issues. The Tiur, as a whole, then vote to elect a Prime Tiur to run the Elected (5 year terms). The current Prime Tiur is Liam, who has held the position for 11 years. The Tiur believe that a galaxy wide controlled station should be built to house a similar system for everyone in Alucinatio Mentis.


The Tiur currently have the largest known space fleet in the galaxy. Tiur space crafts are all labeled TFS. The most notable active military personal is Commander Blaze of the TFS Uictoria.

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