Thursday, November 10, 2016

SS: Al'i Aurora Aboard the TFS Uictoria Part 6

Al’i awoke to a large thud, like something hit the ship. Her comms device said it was 7:14 AM TFT. I slept threw dinner and night! Al’i ran to the observation deck on her current floor. An asteroid field. I need to brush up on my knowledge of universe maps.

“Lieutenant,” a voice behind her said.

“Hello again, Travis,” Al’i said greeting the Private.

“Startled by the thuds? We’re traveling through the Dunamis asteroid field. Word is the field was interfering with the signal we were picking up. It should come in once we are clear,” Travis informed her. “I think we are almost out of it.”

Al’i was silent looking out at the field. She turned and asked, “any news on the orb belt from the engineers?”

“Yes, actually. I have it down in the armory. It will need to be tested with you to see if it actually works, however,” Travis replied.

Her wrist vibrated. When she brought up her wrist to look at the device, a small, blue Commander Blaze appeared out of it. “Lieutenant, find Private Travis in the armory. Gear up and meet me back upstairs.” He disappeared.

Travis began towards the door, “well I guess we will find out if it works.”

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