Saturday, November 5, 2016

SS: Al'i Aurora Aboard the TFS Uictoria Part 2

Al’i pinned a picture of her parents up in her new quarters. This has all been so fast, she thought. How did I even get here? I’ve never even left Munera before. In a matter of a week, Al’i Aurora had graduated from her continentia, been recruited to the Service Guard of the Muneric, and then been informed by the Muneric himself that she would be transferred to a Tiur fleet ship. Not just any TFS, the TFS Uictoria under Commander Blaze.

She finished unpacking her things and sat on her bed. She slide her right hand in the front flaps of her shirt, pulled a device out from a pocket, and looked it over. The device was a small communication portal. The Muneric gave it to her before she left with specific instructions, report back in secret. A direct link to the Muneric Offices… What am I supposed to even report back about?

Her train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door. She quickly put the device back, “Come in.”

Commander Blaze entered. “Settled in?”

Al’i stood. “Yes commander. May I ask what’s next?”

“We are just about to drop off some Tiur researchers in Minoci and then we will head to an unmapped region in space. There’s been pickup of a signal but with heavy inference in our laser communication system coming outside the Dunamis System. Going to see what is it,” Blaze said.

“And what’s your plan for me?” she asked.

“That depends on what you show me you can do,” Blaze replied. With that, Commander Blaze left Al’i to finish settling in.

What am I doing here? Al’i took the picture of her parents. The picture frosted over and Al’I dropped it. It had been a long time since she had lost even the slightest control over her emotional state. She looked at her hands, which were completely blue for a couple seconds before going back to her normal state of a constant morph between purple and blue. She picked up the photo and tacked it back on the wall. Get yourself together, you can handle anything.

She pulled the device back out of her shirt compartment. Turned it on and hit record. “Heading off to unknown region. Some signal with communication interference in area. Will report more when information is known.” She clicked send. I don’t always have to keep the Muneric informed on everything. Just give him enough occasionally.

She peeked her head out into the hallway. It’s so empty, where is everyone? Well maybe I best get some rest then.

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