Friday, November 11, 2016

SS: Al'i Aurora Aboard the TFS Uictoria Part 7

In the elevator on her way back up to the first floor of the ship, she adjusted the orb strap around her shoulder. It fit rather nice across her chest and then strapped around her waist. The belt part of it had holders on her right side for the orbs she brought with her. On the left, a Tiur handgun was attached and an extra clip. Here’s hoping I don’t have to use that. I’ve never shot any kind of a gun before.
She looked at her left shoulder. There was a small metal section on this area of the belt. Travis had told her that placing her hand over it would produce an orb in her hand. They had yet to determine if these orbs would function properly or how many orbs would be produced. Please work.
When the doors opened, she was led to Commander Blaze, who went right into what was going on, “We got the signal. It’s a Thavmain distress signal. That was bouncing off the asteroid field.”
“What’s the situation?” Al’i asked.

“We don’t have any specific information. Our scope images seem to make out a hub of some kind,” Blaze said as he pulled up the images. “Know anything about this?”

Al’i shook her head. Not a damn clue.

“I’m going to call Muneric Demosthenes, see if he can shed some light on this,” Blaze said as he typed on module. The Muneric was patched through and filled in.

Demosthenes denied any Thavmain government projects in this region, but had a possibility, “the Mevoi were not the first organization to leave Thavma, just the most recent and well-known. A long time ago, there was another small separatist movement. We’re talking around when the Tiur arrived to Thavma. A group of Thavmain isolationists left to form their own society, far from the reaches of any other race. It was kept pretty quiet from the public. Anyone in that group would all be long dead.”

“What about a Thavma trade black market headquarters?” the Commander asked.

“It’s possible,” the Muneric answered, “our intel on illegal trade mostly just stems from hubs out of our planet. It would be a more hostile group, if that’s the case.”

“Thanks Muneric Demosthenes, we will let you know what we find. With being able to lock into the signal, we should be able to travel to its location faster,” Blaze said.

“One more thing, I’d like Aurora to head any communication. Either group will more likely entertain talking to a Thavmain over a Tiur,” Demosthenes said.

“I agree,” Blaze said and hologram communication signal signed off. Blaze went over some strategy with Al’i, and before long, they were informed that they had come up on the object. Blaze brought up a live feed on the module. It was indeed a hub of some kind, a fairly large one at that. It looked like it could house an entire city. It was unnaturally quiet in activity, however. After issuing some orders for the ship, he had a communication signal sent to the hub. He nodded to Al’i.

Al’i pressed the module, “This is Thavmain Lieutenant Al’i Aurora on the TFS Uictoria. Come in.” She paused. Nothing. The ship’s communication leader spoke over the module’s intercom, “we read an incoming signal, Commander, but it is appearing to be being jammed.”

“Lieutenant, head down to the boarding shuttles, I’ll have a squad meet you down there,” Blaze ordered.

“At once sir,” Al’i said and left for the lower decks.

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