Tuesday, November 8, 2016

SS: Al'i Aurora Aboard the TFS Uictoria Part 5

A couple hours later, Al’i was laying in her bed, messing with her new watch like comms device. She was beginning to feel the time difference. Taking Dr. Ishî’s advice, she got out of bed. The device on her wrist vibrated. She clicked the notification and an automated female voice came on. “Greetings Lieutenant Aurora. Commander Blaze would like to see you in the Diplomatic Room on the first floor.”

After stepping off the elevator and going through the additional security on this floor, she was escorted to the room. Is this normal? she thought as she entered. “Commander.”

“Lieutenant,” Blaze said without looking up from his module.

“What can I do for you sir?” Al’i asked.

“As a Thavmain in the Tiur fleet service, you’re in a unique position diplomatically. As such, you’ll be in more conversations to learn, and possibly, give Thavmain opinion.”

Al’i figured eventually this could lead to a diplomatic or higher military position in Thavma, but that seemed years away. So soon? How am I supposed to know anything?

The commander continued and pointed at the module displaying a 3D map of a region of space, “here’s our current position. We are almost to the region we believe the interference is coming from. It could take a couple days to narrow down its location.”

“What then?”

“Depends what we find. You will either analyze with me from here or be sent with an exploration team. If there’s any need for communication, having a Thavmain here with me will make it seem less intrusive and invasive. There’s personal module in your quarters will contain some of this information, as well as some other classified intel. I suggest looking these over and keeping an eye out for anything new added. That’s all for now. I’ll notify you when the time is right. That’s all Lieutenant.”

“Thank you sir.” With that Al’i left and headed back to her room. Feeling exhausted, she lay down. She could not help but close her eyes and fall asleep.

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