Monday, October 31, 2016

New Species: Tiur

System Overview

The Tiur (pronounced like tour) live in the Tiur system which consists of four planets: Neth, Ohma, Metus, and Shudra. Neth, Ohma, and Metus are essentially one large city like planet. Neth, considered the capitol planet, has two moons, which are also populated. The Tiur use Shudra for resources. A species from another planet system, called Gia, also live in abundance on Shudra, which we will discuss at another time.


Tiur are very small, furry (colors vary) creatures. Typically, they will range in height from 1 to 2 feet. They are a highly intelligent species and very technologically advanced. They were the first to travel through space to find other intelligent beings and are heavily involved in trade throughout the universe. Unlike most creatures, Tiur only go by a single name.

Tiur Technology

Much of the spacecraft technology comes from the Tiur, although it is usually modified by other species. Consist throughout the universe are the Tiur telecom system enabling planetary system to system communication. This system is a laser based system that allows communication between set locations. This allows ships to check into planet bases without issue, but issues can arise vice versa. The Tiur also manufactured time jump stations in certain locations. These stations create "holes" that allow ships to travel rapidly from station to station.


The Tiur built a space station that between the planets of Neth and Ohma, which acts as a government and military base. The space station, known as the Coesi, is about the size of a small moon. Each Tiur planet and moon has "Elected" which make laws for the Tiur across the universe. Each planet has this same system in place to govern itself on smaller issues. The Tiur, as a whole, then vote to elect a Prime Tiur to run the Elected (5 year terms). The current Prime Tiur is Liam, who has held the position for 11 years. The Tiur believe that a galaxy wide controlled station should be built to house a similar system for everyone in Alucinatio Mentis.


The Tiur currently have the largest known space fleet in the galaxy. Tiur space crafts are all labeled TFS. The most notable active military personal is Commander Blaze of the TFS Uictoria.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Short Story: Sca Penumi meets the Mevoi

How did it come to this?, thought Sca as he landed on the outskirts of Mevoi Raa, and of course, there’s already a welcome party.

The welcome was not warm. “What do you think you are doing here?” grunted the Menoetian in front, who was already morphed red with an orb in his hand. Sca gulped and softly said, “I’m here to join Mevoi.” There was laughter among the group of Menoetian rebel scouts. “Take him to Ephialti,” the Menoetain who spoke earlier said. “Are you seri…” quipped another before he was cut off. “Take him to Ephialti.” repeated the leader.

As Sca was marched into Mevoi Raa, all he could think was, what was I thinking? Mevoi? They will kill me for sure once they find out! The rebel group led Sca to the walled section of the rebel outpost. Once inside the walls, they went straight to a large stone building.

“Stay here!” The Menoetain scout leader said as he left the group and went through a door. He returned and said, “Bring him.” It was large room, but all Sca could look at was a man on the other end of it. Ajan Ephialti himself. Ephialti was a dark purple, darker than any Thavmain Sca had ever seen. He had blue eyes and had a formidable build.

“What is your name fellow Menoetian?” he spoke in a deep voice. Silence. Sca could not find the words. “Speak!” Ephialti shouted. Sca nervously looked around and said, “Sca Penumi. But I’m not a Menoetian, I’m a Favonian…”

Sca summoned what little sadness there was in the air and he flickered for a few seconds to a ghost like appearance. The room was silent. Sca looked around and to his dismay, every Menoetain was glowing flame red. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

“What is a Favonian doing on Yuvos, much less Mevoi Raa?” Ephialti asked. Sca looked back at Ephialti who was still dark purple. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, “I ran into some trouble on Thavma, and I want to join Mevoi.”

A Menoetian on Ephialti’s right spoke up, “Sir, this is Ethe Demosthenes! It’s just like him to send a Favonian to spy on us. As the old saying goes, ‘taken and stolen, by a Favonian!’ That will be us!”

“The Muneric is not that smart. There are reports of Favonians supporting our cause.” Ephialti replied before turning back to Sca. “What trouble? And how did you get here?”

“In the city of Minoci, there was a break in at a research facility. I was nearby at the time and being a Favonian…you do the math. The search for me seemed like an ask questions later kind of hunt. Out of options, I snuck on a trade vesicle and launched a pod as it passed Yuvos.” Sca said as he gained more confidence. Ephialti was silent a moment before saying, “Stensi.”

The Menoetian who brought Sca in stepped forward. He was back to his purple appearance. “Yes sir?”

“The Favonian is under your command until we find a suitable way to test him and a better use of his skills.”

Sca followed Stensi out of the room. As Sca was exiting the building, he thanked the gods inside him.

“I’m Kor Stensi, red scout squad. Any funny business, you’re dead boy,” Stensi said firmly. “Now first things first, you’ll meet the rest of red scout. Then, back on patrol.”

Sca was silent. Here goes nothing he thought as he looked back at the stone building, contemplating his future in Mevoi.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

First Short Story Release Tomorrow!

Come back tomorrow morning for the release of the first short story in the Alucinatio Mentis universe! Short stories will be labeled with 'SS' in the title and be posted on a separate short story page for convenience. Short stories can range from small conversations between characters, small set scenes, parts of a larger story/plot, or anything else. Feel free to give your thoughts along the way! Follow, share, and above all, enjoy!

Thavma System: Other Facts

Just wanted to go through some other facts about the Thavmain.
Planet System

As already noted, Thavmains live on the planet Thavma. Thamva has no moons, but has a significantly smaller plant that orbits very close to Thavma called Yuvos. Yuvos is home to the rebellion organization of Mevoi. The other planet in the Thavma system is Nulli, which is uninhabitable.


The capitol city of Thavma is Munera. Other major cities include Minoci (near Munera), Perma Dui (southern city), Frovi (northern city), and Yuu. There is also believed to be an ancient city of Thamok, although the original location is unknown. Mevoi make their home on Yuvos at a place they call Mevoi Raa.


Every race of Thavmain elects a representative to speak on their behalf at Munera with the three different Anemoians each getting a representative. The Munera representatives vote once every two years on the Muneric, the head of all Thavmains. The Muneric must not be a member of the Munera representatives. The current Muneric is a Menoetian named Ethe Demosthenes.

The Mevoi are lead by Ajan Ephialti, in a military command fashion.


The only weapon on Thavma is the orb. A Thavmain can turn the orbs into small race specific grenades:

Menoetian: Fireball
         Boreaian: Ice blast
         Favonian: No effect
         Notosian: Electric shock

Other Thavma Inhabitants

As stated before, the only other species/creature/plant that is natural to Thavma is a single plant which produces a fruit known as Edian. Outside Thavma, Edian goes by the slang term forbidden fruit.

As the Thavmains are relatively peaceful, species from around the Alucinatio Mentis universe travel to/from or make Thavma their home.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Thavmain Race: Anemoian

The Anemoian are really a collection of three races of Thavmain. The three sub-races of Anemonians are the Boreaians, the Favonians, and the Notosians. As children, all Anemoians change into a grey appearance with what seems to be slight control of the wind with pain. As Anemoians mature and go through the continentias, they become more like their sub-race. As adults, Anemoians still can display this grey appearance. It is unknown how the Anemoians associated with the wind and other Thavmains, like the Menoetians, did not.


The Boreaians change to an cold, blue ice-like appearance in their skin due to fear. With uncontrolled fear, they can freeze those around them. Boreaians typically live in the northern regions of Thavma, where it is typically seasonally cold.


The Favonians can change into a somewhat invisible appearance. They are the only Thavmains to which no changes occur to the Thavmain weapon orb. Unlike other Thavmains, who use their own emotions to change their appearance, Favonians tap into the sadness and grief of others. 

Favonians use of stealth makes them excellent thieves and spies. For this reason, any lost belonging is said to have been stolen by a Favonian. The common saying goes, "taken and stolen, by a Favonian!" There is also a small fraction for support of Mevoi among the Favonians.


The Notosians change to a yellow appearance with an electric ability with heavy concern. Typically, Notosians are found the the southern regions of Thavma. These southern regions are still fairly warm, unlike their northern counterparts, which is believed to be due to more of an electric atmosphere created by the large concentration on Notosian in the region.
Anemoian Determination

Typically, an Anemoian will display as one sub-race in adulthood. The determination of which sub-race an Anemoian child will become is largely genetic. Data shows that Favonian appears to be recessive to both Boreanian and Notosian. There have been a few reports where parents of the same sub-race will have a offspring of a different sub-race (i.e. Boreaian parents having a Favonian offspring), but this is rare. Even more rare, is when Anemoian can display multiple appearances. No record ever, however, has shown an Anemoian displaying all three sub-races as an adult.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thavmain Race: Menoetians

The largest race of Thavmains is the Menoetians. The Menoetians morph from the royal purple color into a flame-like appearance in the skin, triggered by anger or intense passion. They have a heavy belief that the mortality of everything is special, giving them an instinctual desire to have control over these emotions. This control is necessary, as extremely unstable anger can lead to a massive explosion. Without this control, Menoetians tend to be rash in behavior.

Ancient Thavmain lore suggests the Menoetians began the tradition of heavy self control and training at continentias. The story goes that a Menoetian mother named Mevo, created an unstable reaction over the unexpected loss of a child. This reaction led to the complete destruction of the mythical ancient city of Thamok. Afterwards, the Thavma Decree was believed to be enacted, creating continentias and the teaching of self-control, to prevent such an event to occur again.

A separate telling of this tale has Mevo being a heavily outspoken critic of the Thavma Decree. In this version, Mevo's child is abducted to silence her. After the passing of the law, her child was killed anyway, thus creating the catalyst that destroyed Thamok.

Although there is discrepancy in the tale, the vast majority of Menoetian believe in the Thavma Decree. Currently, however, there is a small subset of Menoetian called the Mevoi (named after Mevo) in rebellion to free themselves of this "oppression." The Mevoi make their base on a small planet near Thavma called Yuvos.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Thavmain: New Species

To start off Alucinatio Mentis, I thought we would venture into one of the species that live in this world...

Thavmain (pronounce Thav-ma-in) live on the planet Thavma. Normally, all races of Thavmain have a dark, royal purple appearance of color in their skin. The appearances of different Thavmain races change based off current emotional state and the specific race. Emotional extremes, however, can lead to catastrophic events (which we will get to another day, in an ancient Thavmain lore story of Mevo). For this reason, Thavmain law sends young children off to schools known as continentias, where they learn to heavily control one's emotional state. Afterwards, small controlled changes can be used as an "ability" in a "touch"-like manner. "Orbs” were developed as weapons, that when tapped into these small changes, a Thavmain can turn the orbs into small race specific grenades that burst into fire, ice, etc. They can also be used in a more serene manner.

The highly controlled nature of Thavmains and their emotions stems from their religious beliefs. It is the belief that the gods are inside everyone, as the powers and appearance changes come from within. In their mind, therefore, destroying any life is destroying these deities. This belief makes the Thavmains peaceful creatures, unless highly threatened or failure to go through a continentia.

On Thavma, a single plant grows which produces a fruit known as Edian. Edian consists of the entire Thavmain diet. Outside Thavma, Edian goes by the slang term forbidden fruit. When eaten by non-Thavmains, other species experience an extreme mental breakdown due to an influx of  many severe emotional changes at once. Interestingly, when around other species, Thavmains can go long periods of time without eating. It is believed that the emotions around them of other species nourish them in some way.

In the coming days, I will go through the different races of the Thavmain, ancient lore that surrounds them, and the different appearance changes. Let me know what you think so far!


Hello! Please call me nerdflame! I'm building a fantasy galaxy, known as Alucinatio Mentis. I thought it would be fun for readers and Sci Fi / fantasy enthusiasts to display this process from scratch. Why? For fan involvement! Whether is it input on the world itself, fan-made back stories on characters, or fan art (my personal favorite and I'd love some of this world!), feel free to "let you mind wander"! Look for symbols throughout this one already?